Send only UNCLASSIFIED email via the Internet:
- From. Originator’s email address entered automatically when message transmitted.
- Sent. Date and time entered automatically when email sent.
- To. The action addressees. Use distribution or contact lists if appropriate. Always consider if all addressees need to receive the email.
- Cc. Abbreviation for ‘carbon copy’ and is the box where information addressees are entered.
- Do not send Cc email to people ‘just in case’ – especially to superiors. Use distribution or contact lists if appropriate.
- Do not use Bcc (‘blind carbon copy’). If you add a recipient's name to Bcc box, a copy of the message is sent to that recipient, but that name not visible to any other recipient of the message.
- Subject line. Use abbreviations to restrict the number of characters displayed. Include the following information:
a.Date format: yyyymmdd.
b.The highest PM that applies to the body of the message or any attachment: P for protect; R for restricted; C for confidential; S for secret; TS for top secret.Also show any descriptor
c.The subject of the email; keep it brief, but ensure it reflects the subject.
d.The job title of the sender.
- Greeting. May be informal, using first names for equals or juniors; use rank (non-military use Mr, Mrs, Ms or Miss) and surname for superiors. Test is not just how well recipients are known, but who might also see email.
- Content.
a.Cover one subject area only to help filing or archiving.
b.Always be accurate, brief and clear. Write in clear, properly structured English.Or use note-form to MOD recipients, so long as the meaning is clear. Do not use text-message style.
c.Style and tone appropriate for rank or grade of recipient(s). Remember, ‘divert’ facilities might be in use and message re-routed to unexpected recipient.
- Signature block. Set up a signature block in MS Outlook (select Tools, Options, Mail Format, Signatures, Create Signature) and then set the signature to appear automatically in new messages, replies or forwards. Include your name, rank, job title, address, full-figure military and civilian telephone numbers and personal email addresses.
- Attachments. Large attachments sent over networks slow down transfer rates:
a.Try not to attach more than one file; use WinZip to reduce file size.
b.When possible, be sure that recipients have application(s) needed to open or view attachments.
- Shortcuts. When recipients have access to common file storage area (network drive), attach shortcut or hyperlink to file, not the file itself.
- Photographs. Send only when no other way to meet deadline. Must be in JPEG (.jpeg or .jpg) or TIFF format.
- Banned material. Never send gossip, abusive, discriminatory, pornographic or offensive material.