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autonomna mina
A mine which is not controlled by the user after laying.
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kontaktna mina
A mine detonated by physical contact.
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odskočna mina
A type of shell which ejects its load from its base.
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vežbovna mina
An inert-filled mine, or mine-like body, used in loading, laying or discharge practice and trials.
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vežbovna mina (1)
In land mine warfare, an inert mine to which is fitted a fuze and a device to indicate, in a nonlethal fashion, that the fuze has been activated.
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vežbovna mina (2)
In naval mine warfare, an inert-filled mine but complete with assembly, suitable for instruction and for practice in preparation.
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akustička mina
A mine with an acoustic circuit which responds to the acoustic field of a ship or sweep.
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indukciona mina
A mine actuated by the effect of a target on some physical condition in the vicinity of the mine or on radiations emanating from the mine.
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naoružana mina
In naval mine warfare, a mine containing an explosive charge, a primer, detonator and firing system.
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osmatranje mina
In naval mine warfare, the mine countermeasures procedure to detect, record and, if possible, track potential minelayers and to detect, find the position of, and/or identify mines during the actual minelaying.