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aerofoto izviđanje
The obtaining of information by air photography, divided into three types: a. strategic photographic reconnaissance; b. tactical photographic reconnaissance; c. survey / cartographic photography – air photography taken for survey/ cartographical purposes and to survey/cartographic standards of accuracy. It may be strategic or tactical.
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hemijsko izviđanje
The directed effort to determine the nature and degree of chemical hazard in an area and to delineate the perimeter of the hazard area.
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linijsko izviđanje
Reconnaissance along a straight line between two given reference points.
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zvukovno izviđanje
Intelligence derived from the collection and processing of acoustic phenomena.
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ofanzivno izviđanje
An offensive operation designed to discover and/or test the enemy's strength or to obtain other information.
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specijalno izviđanje i nadziranje
Reconnaissance and surveillance activities conducted by special operations forces, which complement theatre intelligence assets and systems by obtaining strategic and/or operational information. These are human intelligence operations, conducted independently or in support of conventional operations, which may use special techniques, equipment, methods or indigenous assets.
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elektronsko izviđanje
The generic term used to describe communications intelligence and electronic intelligence when there is no requirement to differentiate between these two types of intelligence, or to represent fusion of the two.
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radiološko izviđanje
The directed effort to determine the distribution and dose rates of radiation in an area.
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pomorskodesantno izviđanje
An amphibious landing conducted by minor elements, normally involving stealth rather than force of arms, for the purpose of securing information, and usually followed by a planned withdrawal.
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sredstva za radiološko izviđanje i dozimetrijsku kontrolu
An acronym derived from the words "radioactivity, detection, indication and computation" and used as an all-encompassing term to designate various types of radiological measuring instruments or equipment. (This word is normally used as an adjective.)