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isturena pomoćna vazduhoplovna baza
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baza (1)
An area or locality containing installations which provide logistic or other support.
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baza (2)
A locality from which operations are projected or supported.
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baza (3)
In topography, a surveyed line established with more than usual care, to which surveys are referred for coordination and correlation.
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baza (4)
In photogrammetry, the line between the principal points of two consecutive vertical air photographs. It is usually measured on one photograph after the principal point of the other has been transferred.
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baza (5)
In radio navigation, the shorter arc of the great circle joining two radio transmitting stations of a navigation system.
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baza (6)
In triangulation, the side of one of a series of coordinated triangles the length of which is measured with prescribed accuracy and precision and from which lengths of the other triangle sides are obtained by computation.
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isturena baza
A base located in or near a theatre of operations whose primary mission is to support military operations.
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ploveća baza za podršku
A form of logistic support in which supplies, repairs, maintenance and other services are provided in harbour or at an anchorage for operating forces from ships.
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podmornička baza
A base providing logistic support for submarines.