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procena štete
Dodaj u Moje reči
pogrešna procena
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The process of estimating the capabilities and performance of organizations, individuals, materiel or systems. Note: In the context of military forces, the hierarchical relationship in logical sequence is: assessment, analysis, evaluation, validation and certification.
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procena štete
The determination of the effect of attacks on targets.
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procena štete posle napada
A revised target analysis based on new data such as actual weapon yield, burst height, and ground zero obtained by means other than direct assessment.
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procena borbene štete
The assessment of effects resulting from the application of military action, either lethal or non-lethal, against a military objective.
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procena nuklearne štete
The determination of the damage effect to the population, forces and resources resulting from actual nuclear attack. It is performed during and after an attack. The operational significance of the damage is not evaluated in this assessment.
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procena nuklearne ranjivosti
The estimation of the probable effect on population, forces, and resources from a hypothetical nuclear attack. It is performed predominantly in the pre-attack period; however, it may be extended to the trans-attack or post-attack periods.
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procena situacije
A logical process of reasoning by which a commander considers all the circumstances affecting the military situation and arrives at a decision as to the course of action to be taken in order to accomplish his mission.
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neposredna procena štete
A direct examination of an actual strike area by air observation, air photography, or by direct observation.