Dodaj u Moje reči
isturena logistička podrška
Dodaj u Moje reči
The action of a force, or portion thereof, which aids, protects, complements, or sustains any other force.
Dodaj u Moje reči
podrška na moru
A form of logistic support outside the confines of a harbour in which fuel, ammunition and supplies are provided for operating forces either underway or at anchor.
Dodaj u Moje reči
podrška zdravstvenim uslugama
All services provided directly or indirectly to contribute to the health and well-being of patients or a population.
Dodaj u Moje reči
podrška zemlje domaćina
Civil and military assistance rendered in peace, crisis or war by a host nation to NATO and/or other forces and NATO organizations which are located on, operating on/from, or in transit through the host nation’s territory.
Dodaj u Moje reči
bliska podrška
That action of the supporting force against targets or objectives which are sufficiently near the supported force as to require detailed integration or coordination of the supporting action with the fire, movement, or other actions of the supported force.
Dodaj u Moje reči
opšta podrška
That support which is given to the supported force as a whole and not to any particular subdivision thereof.
Dodaj u Moje reči
borbena podrška
Fire support and operational assistance provided to combat elements.
Dodaj u Moje reči
vatrena podrška
The application of fire, coordinated with the manoeuvre of forces, to destroy, neutralize or suppress the enemy.
Dodaj u Moje reči
vatrena podrška po dubini
Fire directed on objectives not in the immediate vicinity of our forces, for neutralizing and destroying enemy reserves and weapons, and interfering with enemy command, supply, communications and observations.