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(entry: nišanski, tip: Glossary, Dictionary, Acronyms, and, Abbreviations, found: 7 entry(ies))
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nišanski mehanizam
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nišanski radar
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nišanski sistem
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nišanski sistem za bombardovanje
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nišanski uređaji sa merenjem ugaone brzine
A sighting system in which the correct release point is determined when the angular velocity of the target relative to the bomb aimer reaches a precomputed value.
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vektorski nišanski sistemi
Sighting systems using the vector principle and incorporating a mechanical representation of the vectors of the bombing triangle. a. Pre-set vector - A sighting system in which the values for height, airspeed and wind are set manually on the bomb sight. b. Continuously set vector - A sighting system in which the values for height, airspeed and drift are automatically and continuously updated.