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(entry: zona, tip: Glossary, Dictionary, Acronyms, and, Abbreviations, found: 157 entry(ies))
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isturena odbrambena zona
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taktička operativna zona
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utvrđena odbrambena zona
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zona aktiviranja mine
In a sweeper - sweep combination, the horizontal area at the depth of a particular mine in which the mine will detonate. The firing area has exactly the same dimensions as the interception area but will lie astern of it unless the mine detonates immediately when actuated.
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zona angažovanja protivvazduhoplovne odbrane kratkog dometa
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zona artiljerijskog manevra
An area within which artillery is authorized to deploy but which is not reserved for its exclusive use.
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zona čekanja
A geographically or electronically defined location used in stationing aircraft in flight in a predetermined pattern in accordance with air traffic control clearances.
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zona bombardovanja na slepo
A restricted area (air, land, or sea) established for the purpose of permitting air operations, unrestricted by the operations or possible attack of friendly forces.
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zona borbenih dejstava (1)
That area required by combat forces for the conduct of operations.
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zona borbenih dejstava (2)
The territory forward of the army group rear boundary. It is divided into: a. The forward combat zone, comprising the territory forward of the corps rear boundary. b. The rear combat zone, usually comprising the territory between the corps rear boundary and the army group rear boundary.