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mogući cilj
A target which appears during combat and which can be reached by ground fire, naval fire or aircraft fire, and against which fire has not been scheduled.
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iznenadni cilj
A target which appears during combat and which can be reached by ground fire, naval fire, or aircraft fire, and against which fire has not been scheduled.
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planirani cilj
In artillery and naval fire support, a planned target on which fire is to be delivered at a specific time.
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tačkasti cilj
A target which requires the accurate placement of bombs or fire.
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obeležiti cilj (1)
In artillery and naval fire support: a. to call for fire on a specified location in order to orient the observer/spotter or to indicate targets; b. to report the instant of optimum light on the target produced by illumination shells.
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obeležiti cilj (2)
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površinski cilj
A target consisting of an area rather than a single point.
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preliminarni cilj za uništenje
A target, other than a reserved demolition target, which is earmarked for demolition and which can be executed immediately after preparation, provided that prior authority has been granted.
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samonavođenje na cilj
A system by which a missile steers itself towards a target by means of a self-contained mechanism which is activated by some distinguishing characteristics of the target.