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(entry: teret, tip: Glossary, Dictionary, Acronyms, and, Abbreviations, found: 32 entry(ies))

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    borbeni teret

    The total warlike stores carried by an aircraft.
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    korisan teret

    The satellite or research vehicle of a space probe or research missile.
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    osnovni teret

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    podvesni teret

    In helicopter transport operations, any external load hanging under the helicopter fuselage.
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    povratni teret

    Personnel and/or cargo to be transported by a returning carrier.
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    zaostali teret

    An aircraft store that has failed to separate from an aircraft or a launcher although actuated for employment or jettison.
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    vazduhoplovni teret

    Any device intended for internal or external carriage and mounted on aircraft suspension and release equipment, whether or not the item is intended to be separated in flight from the aircraft. Aircraft stores are classified in two categories as follows: a. Expendable store – An aircraft store normally separated from the aircraft in flight such as a missile, rocket, bomb, nuclear weapon, mine, torpedo, pyrotechnic device, sonobuoy, signal underwater sound device, or other similar items. b. Non-expendable store – An aircraft store which is not normally separated from the aircraft in flight such as a tank (fuel and spray), line-source disseminator, pod (refuelling, thrust augmentation, gun, electronic – countermeasures, data link, etc.), multiple rack, target, cargo drop container, drone or other similar items.
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    opšti vazduhoplovni teret

    Cargo without hazardous or dangerous properties and not requiring extra precautions for air transport.
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    preporučen nuklearni teret

    A specified quantity of nuclear weapons to be carried by a delivery unit. The establishment and replenishment of this load after each expenditure is a command decision and is dependent upon the tactical situation, the nuclear logistical situation, and the capability of the unit to transport and utilize the load. It may vary from day to day among similar delivery units.
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    zabranjeni opasni vazdušni teret

    Cargo which does not belong to the highly dangerous category but which is hazardous and requires, for transport by cargo or passenger aircraft, extra precautions in packing and handling.