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(entry: rejon, tip: Glossary, Dictionary, Acronyms, and, Abbreviations, found: 40 entry(ies))
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negađan rejon
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utvrđeni rejon
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zabranjeni rejon
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logistički rejon kopnene vojske
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rejon artiljerijskih vatrenih položaja
An area reserved exclusively for the positioning of artillery assets.
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rejon iskrcavanja desanta
The part of the objective area within which the landing operations of an amphibious force are conducted. Note: It includes the beach, the approaches to the beach, the transport areas, the fire support areas, the airspace occupied by aircraft in close support and the land included in the advance inland to the initial objective.
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rejon iskrcavanja pomorskog desanta
A geographical area, delineated in the initiating directive, for purposes of command and control within which is located the objective(s) to be secured by the amphibious task force. This area must be of sufficient size to ensure accomplishment of the amphibious task force's mission and must provide sufficient area for conducting necessary sea, air and land operations.
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rejon prikupljanja
An area, usually in the theatre of operations, where troops are assembled before beginning active operations.
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rejon prikupljanja vazduhoplova
An area in which aircraft may form up before take-off or assemble after landing.
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rejon protivvazduhoplovne odbrane
A geographical subdivision of an air defence area.