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(entry: stepen, tip: Glossary, Dictionary, Acronyms, and, Abbreviations, found: 20 entry(ies))
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An element of the missile or propulsion system that generally separates from the missile at burnout or cut-off. Stages are numbered chronologically in order of burning.
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stepen štete
A factor, normally expressed as a percentage, reflecting the degree of losses of personnel or materiel due to various causes within a specified period of time.
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stepen borbene gotovosti (1)
A number or code word indicating the readiness posture of a unit for actual operations or exercises.
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stepen borbene gotovosti (2)
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stepen iskorišćenosti nuklearne fisije
The ratio of the yield derived from nuclear fission to the total yield; it is frequently expressed in percent.
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stepen nuklearnog rizika
As specified by the commander, the risk to which friendly forces may be subjected from the effects of the detonation of a nuclear weapon used in the attack of a close-in enemy target; acceptable degrees of risk under differing tactical conditions are emergency, moderate, and negligible.
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smanjiti stepen tajnosti
To reduce the security classification of a classified document or an item of classified matter or material.
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stepen borbene gotovosti
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stepen opasnosti
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stepen popravke