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zaštićeni objekat
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pomoćni odbrambeni objekat
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In intelligence usage, a country, area, installation, agency or person against which intelligence activities are directed.
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objekat dejstva
The object of a particular action, for example a geographic area, a complex, an installation, a force, equipment, an individual, a group or a system, planned for capture, exploitation, neutralization or destruction by military forces.
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objekat pripremljen za rušenje
A demolition target on which all charges have been placed and which is in the state of readiness, either state 1 - safe, or state 2 -armed.
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objekat za rušenje
A target of known military interest identified for possible future demolition.
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objekat za rušenje na koji eksploziv nije postavljen
A demolition target for which charges have been calculated, prepared, and stored in a safe place, and for which execution procedures have been established.
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lažni objekat
An imitation of a person, object or phenomenon, which is intended to deceive hostile surveillance or detection systems or mislead the adversary.
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kartografski objekat
In cartography, any object or configuration of ground or water represented on the face of the map or chart.
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objekat radarske kontrole letenja